Dear Friends,
Some German missionaries have invited me to give some of their people some Luo language classes 12th to 16th of November. Give thanks for this anticipated opportunity. That is a day’s travel from home. After that, we have out annual ladies’ gathering for my home church – to which men are also invited, so I hope to attend that on my way home from the above.
I am especially grateful to Marilyn James (Andover Baptist Church) who is continuing to work hard on the copy editing of my latest novel. Below is the draft of the front cover. (The title may still change to ‘To Africa In Love’.) This is a romance (of sorts) (that is to keep you guessing). A group of Philo’s friends become a spy-ring, checking him out for his suitability for marriage, in the process learning many reasons why some Christian mission to Africa should be engaged by long-term people using local languages and resources. The story, fast-paced from the first paragraph, will have you laugh, and groan, while being educated about Africa, about mission, about culture, development, and sheer ‘humanity’. The book should be available from March 2019.
Please continue to pray for prospects for my teaching at a Bible School in Tanzania, January / February 2019.
Could I please appeal again for administrative help beginning December. Angela Merridale, who has helped me for decades, who is now beyond retirement age, will cease her services as from December 21st, leaving me stuck unless a further volunteer is found. (I appreciate Colin and Rosemary Morgan for picking up some of the slack. I will still be needing additional help.)
I have two girls doing final exams in the next few weeks. One completes Primary school exams in three days up to 1st November. Another is to write her secondary school exams 5th to 22nd November. Your prayers for them, and other children writing exams, is appreciated.
Give thanks – I attended a fellowship yesterday, at which we had two people visiting from Turkana. That is a tribe in northern Kenya. They got to know a man in my home-town of Yala while in prison. Give thanks that both are now pastors in Turkana.
Give thanks – for hospital ministry I am able to do. Many patients are asking that I pray for them every day, except that other days I’m involved at home with the children.