News for the End of November 2004
Dear Friends,
Please be in prayer for James Aweyo, who was my original host here in Kenya and with whom I continue to have very close contact. He was driving at about 8.00pm in the dark near Maseno, which is about 8 miles from my home, when he was hit by a lorry. It appears that his car is a write off. Those people who have seen it have told me they are amazed that anyone could even emerge from it alive. James is however well, having had just some stitches in his arm and some pain in his chest.
Research Student Underway
A KIST student who was once our teacher at Yala Theological Centre is now beginning the field-work stage of his research into peoples' understanding of 'theological education' within Gem, the part of Luoland where I live. This work that I am helping him on promises to reveal interesting and challenging insights.
Siaya Progress
The good news from Siaya is that we now have a plan in pace to begin teaching on 11th January 2005! Classes are to be held every Tuesday from 10.00am to 1.00pm. Students are to pay 5.50 annually to attend these classes. I am to be the first teacher to launch this programme.
Computer Crashes
Having frequent problems with the non-functioning of a computer, is probably not an altogether unfamiliar experience amongst the readers of this news. The same certainly applies here in Kenya. Pray for reliable computer systems here at KIST!
The Weeks ahead
KIST students have their final examination tomorrow, and then they are due to leave for home. Students on the new vacation course are then due to arrive on Sunday, to be taught for two weeks beginning Monday (29th November). Meanwhile Monday to Friday we are closing our classes at YTC. I also need to spend some time in the Dean's office closing off this term and planning the next. I am also in the process of carefully reading through my PhD draft - radical stuff (it seems to me)! God willing the 13th December will find myself and my pastor from Ulumbi setting off for two weeks of teaching near Arusha in Tanzania. Our topics are to be 'the leadership of the Spirit', and 'the beliefs and practices of the church'. Prayer valued! The day after returning (30th December) we have our faculty inservice meeting at KIST. That week we will be visiting YTC students. 3rd of January KIST opens. 10th YTC opens, and 11th (as mentioned above) is to be the first day of teaching in Siaya!
Best wishes,