News for Middle of November 2004
The maintenance-man for KIST fell from some height sometime over the night of 8th to 9th November 2004 landing badly on his head. He passed away last night (24 hours later). Pray for the family. So many people seem to be passing away right now, that one has to constantly ask oneself questions about what the meaning of life is after all .
Our YTC visit to Siaya was not a success. We did not find the expected people waiting for us. Our main Siaya contact was not there, so our YTC director is due to go and find out what has happened.
Give thanks for the time that I am finding to go ahead with working on my PhD thesis. There is some confusion over the registration for Birmingham university caused by their late processing of some tasks and attempting for the first time to have people register over the internet. I trust that registration will happen successfully in due course.
One of the children at my home is currently writing the exams that mark the end of his primary schooling.
Our YTC teacher with suspect leprosy still has not got around to having it diagnosed although he has not been teaching for some weeks now, which has meant more of the teaching load coming back to me. Another teacher has been unwell on and off, and had to face being chased away from one class when what he taught was not pleasing to the host pastor. I am also currently struggling with suspect malaria.
We are now just two weeks from the end of term at KIST. Give thanks for a very good term's teaching so far, and pray for our closing arrangements.