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News for End of November 2007

Dear Friends,

Please pray for my home, with many new additions and changes in store. I have taken on a new girl of 12, and we are prayerfully considering another of 5 years and another of 18 years. I have just made an arrangement for a theological student to spend his internship with me from January to March 2008.

Pray for Kenya, now in the thick of election season. Yesterday young men blocked the main road through Yala, a major international route, with burning tyres in protest at decisions made by politicians.

We have appointed a Director for Siaya Theological Centre. Join me in praying for his faithfulness in this voluntary task!

KIST term is now over. We close Yala and Siaya Theological Centres on 30th November. 6th to 10th December I hope to visit folks in Musoma, Tanzania, and then from 10th to 16th December share the teaching at a conference also in Tanzania but very near the Kenya border. Further ahead at the end of January we have the SIM Kenya retreat, then in April the Church of God missionaries retreat.

2 months ago an electricity pole was dropped outside my house. 3 weeks ago it was erected. Now wires have been connected. As yet there is no wiring in my house, so I need to research as to whether and how to use this electricity, presumably supplied by the Millenium Development Project.

Best wishes,
