Dear friends,
Pray for the vulnerable missions conferences. 35,000 adverts have gone around the UK. 80,000 are on their way around the USA. We have an AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission) article to go to 35,000 recipients in the UK in January.
Obama-fever is pretty intense here in Obama's homeland. Locals are incredulous - that a son of their soil is shortly to be (perhaps?) the most powerful man in the world! African people's inferiority complex is under severe attack. For a report of my visit to Obama's grandmother, see Obama's grandmother.
One thing that disappoints me - is that once again the challenge for Africans is to 'become white' rather than to develop their own way of life. More copying of the west; unless Obama turns this around. If he does it will be a shock for Americans! The wealthy West is pretty much running Africa. So it only seems right that some African blood should be involved in that process. But, I still dare ask myself, couldn't it be better to assist people to help themselves?
It may be harder for us here to understand how a Luo man can possibly 'run America' than it is for Americans. We see cultural differences that America is trying to ignore ... From here, we assume Obama to be much like a 'typical Luo'. But of course - that may be wrong; and perhaps he is absolutely Americanised? This is certainly a fudging of what were thought to be distinct boundaries!
Worrying statistics have recently indicated that the population of Kenya is rising at an 'alarming' rate. By next year's census, it is expected to have reached 38 million (in 1950 it was 5 million). This seems to undermine the millennium project - built on the assumption that the raised living standard that it brings will result in a reduced birth rate. Report.