Dear friends,
At vast expense and following much travel, I finally stood in front of the people who had come to attend the first seminar on vulnerable mission at the World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission consultation that was held 6th to 11th November 2011 in Germany. In my mind's eye I had seen myself on my knees begging folks to engage in VM and people crying out in repentance for what we in the West are doing on the missions scene! Instead I faced a row of critical eyes that seemed to be saying "go on then, dare tell us where we are wrong".
I guess my mind was still in Kenya, where very often a Christian message is preceded by drumming, dancing, shouting and screaming, then followed by sobbing and crying. I had forgotten how stiff-upper-lipped and reason oriented we are in the West. (I say "we" I do not usually participate in the dancing, screaming or crying.) The group was, however, extremely responsive following my presentation. Questions came thick and fast until the time ran out and we had to stop. I repeated the presentation 2 days later. I had many other opportunities to share about vulnerable mission. Being at the conference was a good learning experience.
Please note that the first of my books is available.
William Carey Library.
Also available in UK/Europe from Veronica.

Please inform young people of the Mission-net Conference to be held in Germany December 28th 2011 to January 2nd 2012. Details
I am learning of more conferences taking place while I am on my next furlough. Please pray for wisdom to know whether/which to attend.
Gem Bible Institute is the new name for Yala Theological Centre (Gem is the district in which Yala is found), following our recent board meeting here in Kenya. Give thanks that our meeting was well attended. The prospect of teaching the Bible without western subsidy sadly still appears to be a pipe dream.
God willing, I will be based in the UK from 14th December 2011 to mid April 2012.
Your brother in Christ,
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.