Dear friends,
Being able to catch up with people in Andover has been a bit like a pre-furlough experience. As I write, I am at the WEA (World Evangelical Alliance) MC (Missions Commission) tri-annual consultation near Stuttgart in Germany. This is due to finish tomorrow. God willing I am to reach home in Kenya on Monday 14th November.
It has been encouraging and challenging to be involved in many events at Andover Baptist Church in this trip. The main purpose of the trip being to attend this conference, this is also turning out to be a good time. It has given opportunity to make vulnerable mission known to the 230 or so international delegates to this conference; all missions leaders of one sort or another. The topic of the conference is 'disturbing mission'. We are not coming away with a nice package of 'what should be done', but rather disturbed in our hearts regarding the complexity of what is God doing around the globe.
I value your prayer for the month which I have to do ministry in Kenya before returning to the UK in December for my triannual furlough from Dec. 2011 to April 2012.
To get your copy of my book; Vulnerable Mission; insights into Christian mission to Africa from a position of vulnerabily please go to For those in Europe/UK who would like a copy please write to to reduce the cost of
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.