Dear Friends, (11th November 2013)
I was saddened to hear of the passing away a few weeks ago of Ian Wallace. Ian had once worked for Tear fund. He visited us a few times as I was doing my agricultural training back in the 1980s, speaking at our college Christian Union. In 1988 he helped me a great deal by counselling and advising me as I prepared for my first move to Africa in August of that year.
I am glad to report that my 8 hour seminar at the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven , USA , went well. A very varied group of about 25 experienced missionaries from all over the world attended. We had a great deal of lively discussion. Most of the students were from the majority world. They were used to standing ‘on the other side’; having missionaries approach them with projects and strategies that involved foreign funding and foreign languages. It was refreshing for them, I think, to be able to constructively evaluate such practices.
Eastern University, a Christian university in Philadelphia, has a reputation for being a world leader in Christian innovation in social and development fields. One of my assignments was to engage with 20 or so Master’s students. They will be seeking to take up positions with organisations like World Vision or Compassion International. I presented a case to them: why not go to people carrying ‘only’ the Gospel of Jesus without Western trappings? Many students seemed to be convinced . . . It was particularly a joy to be able to share with some of the faculty, staff and students of Palmer Seminary in Philadelphia. We only had an hour, but I felt that I was able to dig at depth! I hope in the future to engage more with trainee ministers at Palmer.
3rd of November I came to the UK. After some time staying with my brother, I picked up Jean Johnson from Heathrow, and we went together to Redcliffe Missionary Training College in Gloucester. Jean gave an excellent heart-felt message to a crowded hall of students at the college. Jean’s message included many challenging stories. Both Jean and I were able to engage conversationally with a wide variety of students. Redcliffe is going through challenging times. They have recently joined with the European Training Centre of SIL - the Bible translation people (Wycliffe). It was good to deepen old friendships and make new ones there.
From Friday 8th Jean and I have been in Andover, Hampshire, guests of the Andover Baptist Church. Saturday Jean gave an excellent short presentation to a gathered prayer group. Sunday 10th I was privileged to share God’s word at both church Sunday services here at Andover Baptist .
UK conference; 14th to 16th November 2013, Norwich. Details (Places still available. Find your own accommodation.)
11th Nov., evening, we’ll be at Wantage Baptist Church in Wantage, Oxon.
12th November we’ll be at Acomb Baptist Church in York .
Main speaker at both above events is to be Jean Johnson.
Come to Andover Baptist Church, evening service, 17th November. Details.
From 19th November to 6th December I am to be in Germany. While in Germany I hope to speak at a missionary training college in Korntal, a Bible college in Marburg (informally), a Bible college in Wiedenest, and a Bible college in Fritzlar. Please pray for these activities, and for individual meetings with many other people in Germany.
My cell phone while in the UK is: 07773560008
Best wishes,