Dear Friends,
My visits in the last 2 weeks have been very encouraging. A lecturer at Moody Bible Institute, who I ‘happened’ to get to know at the earlier conference I attended in Dallas, opened more doors for sharing with students than had my initial contact there. I felt that I got a lot of traction, especially whenever I was with post-graduate students. A few days later I was in Philadelphia at Eastern University. Eastern University has always been an encouraging place to visit. This time again, I was able to share with numerous graduate and undergraduate students. My position was helped because they now have a seminary on-campus. My time there culminated in giving a ‘public lecture’ attended by a variety of people from the whole university.
From Philadelphia, I have come to Pittsburgh, at which I spoke at the Mission Day of an Anglican seminary. We are now having our vulnerable mission conference at the same location. Many of our key people in North America are at this conference. Both of these events are proving extremely useful and valuable.
My opportunities for sharing continue to convince me of the VITAL IMPORTANCE of the message that we have. I only hope that other people are becoming as convinced as I already am! Often the difficulty is not with the theory, but with the implementation of the theory.
In between times, I have been able to spend three weekends in a row with family members (cousins, second-cousins, uncle, aunts) who are living here in the USA. I am to have a few days with Mennonite Amish people, before going on to the headquarters of the Church of God in Anderson, intending to spend time particularly at their university. God willing I leave for Kenya on 21st November. Pray for us in Kenya – I would really like to be there to encourage folks in the light of recent deaths. It looks like I’ll be arriving when funerals are all completed.
Please pray for John Butt, in the UK. John is my main link to the Andover Baptist Church. Aged 80, he has recently been struggling with severe pneumonia and related health issues.