Dear Friends,
Having been asked to teach the Luo language to some German missionaries, gave me a reason to also visit and encourage friends, share at a church and participate in a conference. On the 9th, I visited a widow, then a number of your people in their twenties, whose mother recently passed away. The following day I went to visit the relatives of one of my children, and to spend time with some believers. On the Sunday, I visited and preached at a branch of my home church, about 50 miles from home as the crow flies.
Monday to Friday I met with 10 or so German missionaries. Despite some of them having served 5 years, or 10 years plus, their level of understanding and use of the local language (Dholuo) was still very low. I hope that by providing them with some grammatical pointers, I have set them onto a trajectory through which, if sufficiently dedicated, they can eventually learn to speak fluently! My travel back was hampered because that week the Kenyan government decided to tighten rules on the carrying of bicycles on buses, so I had to ride more than I had anticipated. We had a very good ladies conference, during which my home denomination appointed a committee of ladies to lead activities into the future. While in town, I visited other children of mine. Sunday I was glad to get home and find that all were well.
On route (by bicycle, boat, and bus (no pictures of buses included!)
Some of the German missionaries learning the Luo language.
At the women’s conference of my home denomination
I have been preparing you tube videos of some of my regular preaching. You can find them here. I need to evaluate just how valuable they are, to know how much time and effort is justified in preparing more of these.
YouTube Channel