Dear Friends,
Thanks for many valuable times of sharing with people in Norwich, while I am based at the Norwich Central Baptist Church. It has been very good to catch up with numerous friendships, many that I formed originally back in 1991. Pray for various projects underway in and by the church, including a cafe, children’s clubs, meals for old folks, mission planning, and so on. Pray for me to continue to share messages of hope in God’s grace as I travel around the city having meetings and visiting people.
Many people ask me what it is, coming from Africa, that strikes me about the UK. Constantly in my mind, is ways in which I see the good news of Jesus having an ongoing foundational impact on British culture. That is to say, I see how the effect of the faith of previous generations of British people has set a foundation that people still run with, even though a high proportion of today’s Brits no longer confess Christ, so that apparently church-attendance is falling. It seems to me, that if people were to open their eyes, they’d soon be back to church.
Please continue to pray for our conference, to be held at All Nations Christian College on 8th to 11th December. Places still available, click here for more information. Places still available.
Missionaries: aliens, providers, or fellow travellers