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News for middle of December 2003

Dear friends,

As I write I am back home in Kenya, exactly three months after I left for Tanzania on 9th September. I am to be here for only three weeks so hope to arrive in UK on 3rd January to begin my three months of study leave.

Passing quickly through KIST I discovered that all is well and the new Principal seems to be settling in to his new role. The grounds of KIST are looking more and more attractive due to the ongoing efforts of another missionary couple from America. I was grateful to share a ride from Nairobi to Kisumu with another missionary family - one of whom first came to Kima in Kenya in 1946.

Tension is running high as Kenya prepares for its elections on the 27th December. As I write one of the candidates is in hospital in the UK being treated following injuries in a road accident. Please pray for Kenya during this tense time.

Electricity and phone services at Kima and perhaps in Tanzania generally seem to be much less relaible than Tanzania, so please expefct only irregular email correspondence from me.

I was speaking to a colleague yesterday who witnessed the attempted shooting down of the Israeli airliner in Mombassa. Disaffection with Muslims amongst Tanzanian Christians was running high. The same it seems can now be said of Kenya - now twice the victim of major terrorist attacks (the first having been the US Embassy bombing of 1998),. This tension has been aggravated by attempts in both countries by Muslims to gain government power for the implementation of sheriah law.

I have heard that there have been some difficult relationship issues within Yala Theological Centre. Please pray for us as we sort through them so as to find the right way forward.

Best wishes
