News for End of December 2003
A weekend away from home and
I visited some friends. Both young couples. One had two small children,
and the other three small children. Both couples were living in otherwise
largely deserted homesteads surrounded by huts and other relics
reminding them of departed family members. Both couples were living in
tiny thatched huts. The men of both couples are heavily engaged in fighting
with untoward spirits through the activities of their respective churches.
One had visitors there whom he prayed for till midnight using candles
to drive out the demons, and the other had just come from a crusade at
which he had sought to relieve people from the powers of darkness. All
around me was death, illness, hunger, struggle and a constant battle against
spiritual adversity.
On getting home, I heard of more deaths, one of a friend of mine who owned
a local shop with whom I had always enjoyed having a good laugh. He is
called Jacob (James), as I am. People are coming and going to and from
Give thanks - that I have just taken a dose of 'kill or cure' malaria
medicine, and pray that it comes to be effective (in cure and not in kill)!
Give thanks for my time here in the Dean's office at KIST. It has gone
well. Pray for the permanent occupant to this chair, due back in just
over a week!
Wishing all a good Christmas
and a happy new year.
Isaiah 65:25 " ... The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain." says the Lord.