Dear Friends,
People are already asking me if I miss Africa, and I do. But it is incredible also finding out what I was 'missing' when in Africa. There is so much in the UK that I regularly miss out on. Not least - having friends who understand me. People who think like me. Looking 'normal'. Regular access to the computer, without even experiencing power cuts. Running water. Eating varied food. . Not that I necessarily miss British food when I am in Kenya, but I notice it when I get it.
I feel like I have 'landed on my feet'. It is good to spend time with my mother and father. Have had excellent visits already to family, and with people in Andover.
I am a bit apprehensive as we approach the Vulnerable Mission conferences. It is extraordinary to me to think how some people understand the 'mission issues' faced in Africa. So far in this trip I have been very encouraged by the way people have welcomed me here in Andover, and received so far by those people with whom I have already shared about my work. I am praying that the same trend will continue.
I plan to leave for the USA on 8th January, to return on 4th February. The conferences in the USA are as follows:
Friday 16th January Colorado Springs,
Tuesday 20th January Boise,
Friday 23rd January Seattle,
Tuesday 27th January Indianapolis,
Friday 30th January Lancaster, PA.
UK conferences 13th Feb. (Andover) and 10th March (Cliff college, Derbyshire). Germany: 18th Feb, Shorndorf, near Stuttgart. See details. My mobile phone number (in the UK): 07551924980