Dear Friends,
I am sending this mid-month news out early to inform all and sundry that I have arrived safely back in Kenya after visiting my aunt, spending time with our new admin. ass't Fiona, and also visiting Norwich Central Baptist Church in the last few days of my trip. I have been home and found that all are well, and at KIST also all is going on well. My travel back to Kenya was largely uneventful. I was able to travel from Nairobi by bus, which saved me some money. It always 'feels strange' to be back. Now already, after less than 48 hours in Kenya, the need for vulnerable mission shouts loudly . I am glad for the opportunities that I had to share the vulnerable-mission message in many places in the West. Thanks to all who helped me out in so many ways! We hope to continue to follow up with new contacts to see where they may lead in terms of future activity.
At home, all are well. Unfortunately, a pastor friend of mine was killed when he tried to apprehend thieves who had broken into his home back in September. Our local overseer for Zion Harvest Mission has also passed away since I left Kenya. The mother to two children who I had staying with me back in August is very sick and in hospital. I hope to visit her shortly. My landlord has passed away, and the grandmother who lives next door is very ill in Nairobi.
At KIST we have a total of 74 students and various encouraging signs of progress. Unfortunately a long-standing accounts clerk had to be fired back in October. Other workers have been laid off to save costs. I have yet to hear a detailed report on the teaching that went on in Yala in my absence. It appears that teaching did continue under Siaya Theological Centre in at least one class. I hope to visit Siaya before the end of the week so as to find out more. I am to teach an introduction to philosophy at KIST from January 2011.