Dear Friends,
The new book, published November 2011, is available here: Three Days in the Life of an African Christian, or here: Three Days in the Life of an African Christian, or from my sister at Veronica.
Seems to be selling like hot cakes. Please get your copy for as little as £3.16 (recommended price £6.00), and see whether you agree with this review by Fiona Adams: "This book bursts like a breath of fresh air into the reader's mind. What it promises, it gives - a fascinating insight into life in an African village as seen and interpreted by a Christian man. We are privileged to be given a penetrating glimpse of life for this man over just three days - three days packed with work, domestic life and family problems, and church services, including funerals (ever-present in Africa). I commend this book to anyone teaching or studying missiology, but also to anyone interested in mission work."
I have been privileged to be able to spend Christmas with my parents in Andover this year. On 27th I am to travel to Germany for the mission-net youth conference (expecting 3,000 young people). As well as manning the AVM stall, I am also to present two seminars at this conference. Then from 2nd January to 12th January I hope to be with churches and family in Germany. From 12th January I hope to be in East Anglia based at Norwich Central Baptist Church. Please note that while in UK my mobile number is 07570894060.
At home in Kenya all seems to be well. Please pray for a friend from Tanzania who I am hoping will be living in my house and continuing my ministry while I am away. Kenya continues to be troubled through their involvement in the war in Somalia. Meanwhile I have received surprising news from KIST - that our American Principal who has been at KIST for only one year has resigned. An urgent board meeting in January is to decide who is to take his place.
AVM is looking for an administrator. Please get in touch if you feel that is a role you could fulfill.
Facebook fans – please find out more about vulnerable mission here: Vulnerable Mission.
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.