Dear friends,
Many of you will know that Fiona Adams has been assisting us in administration in the AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission) for over a year. We are very grateful for all the work that she has done for us. The AVM has moved forward considerably with her help. Fiona resigned last week to move on to new pastures. We wish Fiona God’s blessing in her future life and ministry.
Fiona’s resignation has resulted in a serious and urgent lack of administrative help at a crucial time for the AVM. We have lost our chief administrative helper in the midst of being heavily engaged in book sales, arranging conferences, publicity and mission-promotion of all sorts. Fiona was filling a volunteer position. We are looking for someone else to fill this post. Please contact me at Jim Harries for details.
Let me know if you want to receive the AVM Bulletin that comes free every month? It comes out by email, and contains many fascinating articles related to the importance of carrying out mission outside of the West in a vulnerable way.
Give thanks that my recently published book called ‘Vulnerable Mission’, is creating quite a stir in mission’s circles. Details here William Carey Library or if you are in UK/Europe write to Veronica for your copy (only £7.99 each plus p&p if you order 3 or more).
Another book has just come hot off the press. This is much lighter reading. See attached. Good for christmas gifts! Orders to Jim Harries. Orders placed before 17th December will be posted before 20th December. Introductory offer £5.50 (full price £6.00) per book and £5.00 per book for 10 copies or more for all orders placed by 17th December. Postage and packing £1.50 for one book, and then an additional 50p for every additional book (within UK).
Give thanks for the 4 weeks I have had back in Kenya since my last visit to the UK. It has been a productive time of ministry. I have sought to spend some quality time with the children in my care as well as engaging in other types of ministry. I plan to travel to the UK on 13th December. From 27th December I should be at the biannual Europe-wide mission-net conference to be held in Erfuhrt in Germany. We will have a display there, and myself and my colleague from Germany Frank Paul will be speaking. See Mission Net.
Your friend,
Please see for details of the vulnerable mission conferences to be held in UK and USA during March of 2012.