Dear Friends,
The husband to the oldest of the girls I have raised at home has told us that he is to pay bride wealth for her on 20th December. This will be my first time to be on the receiving-end of cows for a wife, 15 years after starting to rear African children. Give thanks and pray!
Again and again . . . the response by other leaders to my teaching members of an African people’s church fellowship, is that what I say is a little complex and hard to grasp, but worth thinking about. A few days ago, I attended a meeting at which the normal leaders weren’t there. Members of this church always seem to want to be led to where they kneel, cry, sob and shout in repentance. I did not do this for them. They know that I know that I can’t ‘do it’. They know that there’s ‘more to God than that’, only it is hard to get it or really grasp what it is. What a privilege and challenge to be able to engage in these kinds of contexts!
Give thanks for many open doors to Christian ministry. Yesterday (10th Dec. 2012) I took two children from home and we visited about eight distant homes on nearby hills sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, and driving out demons.
Please consider giving one or more of the books that I had published last year as Christmas presents. They are listed here.
Please pray for plans I am putting together for a trip from September to December 2013. This is anticipated to include Egypt (unconfirmed), Costa Rica , USA , UK and Germany .
Please pray for the process I am currently engaged in, of looking at taking in 1 or perhaps 2 more orphan girls into my village home in Yala.
Any budding theologians there in the UK wanting to write an essay? click here.