Dear Friends,
Jim’s Journal for December 2013 is here: This time, I am not sending out hard copy, but only this link to the PDF.
I am glad to be able to say, that the donations including honorariums that I have received in the course of my trip (and before the trip designated for the trip) are such that I have been able to cover extra costs associated with travel between Kenya , USA , UK , and Germany . I am very grateful for those who have made all this possible. Please do pray, as I am beginning to look into making another trip including more conferences in 2015.
Most intriguing perhaps in the whole trip was a comment made by an African student at one of the Bible colleges that I visited. The African student read some of our materials and realised what we were promoting. “I am glad that missionaries are now perceiving and are working on this issue, that we often see in Africa and that is very difficult for us” he said.
Please pray for POTENTIAL conferences in 2015 in the following locations: Portland Oregon (USA), Pittsburgh (USA), Oklahoma (USA), Somerset (UK), Oxford (UK), York (UK), Coventry (UK), Stuttgart ( Germany ) and Marburg ( Germany ). People at the above locations have expressed interest in hosting conferences / workshops oriented to vulnerable mission. None of the above locations are as yet confirmed. Our UK committee is beginning to chase down options. In Germany , the people concerned will be meeting to discuss possible 2015 plans. Our executive committee will coordinate arrangements for the USA . HELP US AS WE PRAY AND CONSIDER THE ADVISABILITY AND THE PRACTICALITY OF ARRANGEMENTS FOR SUCH FUTURE EVENTS. Financial donations designated to cover my costs for a 2015 trip, total estimated £3500, welcome to Peter Stagg.
I am grateful for the contributions that Bill Gordon has made to my council of reference in recent years. Bill has resigned from the council, given too-high a workload otherwise as his reason. We wish Bill well. We hope to have someone to take his place soon. Pray for his wife Carol receiving treatment for breast cancer.
My time in Germany continued to go well. My last station was a Church of God Bible college in Fritzlar in central Germany. I spent 4 days there teaching on missions.
As I write, I am twelve hours from my intended departure from Heathrow airport heading back to Kenya .