Click here to see the call for papers for our 2019 conference to be held at All Nations Christian College.
I have been rather wrapped up in immigration issues over recent weeks. Please pray that these will soon be resolved.
God willing I will be leaving home 3rd January, to teach at the Babati Bible School in Tanzania for between 1 and 6 weeks.
I am well known in Babati, as I started visiting there in the late 90s. It is the headquarters to Church of God (Kanisa la Mungu) in Tanzania. I plan to travel there with one of the bishops of my home church in Kenya, and one of my children (who is to study at the college informally). I do not yet know what my ‘topic’ will be to teach: so prayers valued for preparation, probably once I have got there.
Babati is the provincial capital for Manyara Province in Tanzania. Many KIST graduates are now living and serving in this area. Other leaders in the church there have visited my home in Kenya. The three bishops of the church are all my ex-students. The bible school has recently oriented itself to practical theology, by insisting that all students who want to graduate are required first to plant a church. They spend the third and final year of their studies planting a church in an unreached location. I very much value that the Babati school does their teaching using Swahili. The teaching is very practical and oriented to church ministry.
I have been continuing to prepare youtubes of some of my bible teaching/preaching. This is on the realisation that meaningful communication here in Africa is ORAL. Reaching people’s hearts really requires use of indigenous languages. Clever things from the West don’t always work, as people here don’t have the required background. Hence I am valuing doing this! (I really need assistance, if I am going to take this project much further. Please let me know if you are willing to help in some technical areas.) For what I’ve done so far see here .
Jim Harries