Dear Friends,
I recently approached a retired padre living in my home area, who I’ve known well for many years. I told him about the recent murder of John Chau, which he had not heard about, on the Andaman Islands. As I described the way young men on the island repelled all marauders as aggressively as possible, killing whoever they could, “that is what we were like . . . they should be colonised,” he told me. I thought that response was quite striking . . .
Recently someone asked: “Jim, tell me, why do you spend so much time in the office writing, when you could be ‘out there’ doing ministry?” My answer was: “My view of Africa these days, is that there are many intelligent Christian African people doing good work sharing the Gospel and engaging with their culture and circumstances. But, these very people are constantly being interrupted and distracted by Westerners who, though they might be well meaning, use little wisdom in their approach. Hence I write to educate Westerners about how best to relate to Africans.”
Please pray for an opening I am looking in to, of teaching a course to undergraduate students at a training college for missionaries in Ethiopia for a week during March 2019. Pray also for my plans to travel to Tanzania on 5th January to teach at a bible college there. I plan to go with one of my children, for her to get a ‘bible college experience’. Pray that will have a positive influence on her.
See these new articles I have just had published:
1.Cognitive Science is Theology: “scientists” renege on heliocentrism
2. Cultural linguistics, mission, and theology for the majority world.
Pray for our young-people’s conference, due to take place 10th to 16th of this month. I hope to go there with six of my children later this morning . . .
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