Dear Friends,
I would like to extend my warm appreciation to Theo Kuster. Theo, from the USA, has been very faithfully helping me post my news and other items on the internet, I think for close to 2 decades. Theo has now asked that he discontinue. This is because his energy is needed to care for his ailing wife. I am therefore looking for another volunteer who is willing to help me post items onto my personal jim-mission.org.uk website on a regular basis. Many thanks in anticipation!
Give thanks for another article having gone to press this month. Here’s the details for those who are interested. The article is entitled Trust and Vulnerability: being vulnerable to failures in trust as part of missionary service in Africa. , and is published in the International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology. The article says: Breaches of trust, both historical and contemporary, probably contribute to much mission work in recent times being short-term. Issues related to trust, such as time-keeping, how to ask questions, levels of expectation arising from particular ways of phrasing things, and financial predictability, are culturally dependent”
Give thanks for my time staying with folks at the Norwich Central Baptist Church. I have been able to share with and been encouraged by a large number and wide variety of people in different contexts. I am especially grateful to Richard Atkin, who is from here-on my official ‘rep’ at the church (having taken over from Tim Reeves). Thanks to Tim for having held that role for many years! Thanks to all the people who hosted me!
As I write we are in the throes of our conference here at All Nations College. So far going very well. God willing I am to leave the UK on Thursday.
A week ago, I accidently left my computer and computer bag leant against a bus stop at the Norwich railway station. I cycled a mile through the middle of the city at about 11 pm before realising. Give thanks that when I went back to the station, there was my bag where I left it with everything intact in it!